~/f/rubygem-passenger/RPMS.2017 ~/f/rubygem-passenger ~/f/rubygem-passenger RPMS.2017/ruby2.5-rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm RPMS/ruby2.5-rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm differ: byte 225, line 1 Comparing ruby2.5-rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm to ruby2.5-rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm comparing the rpm tags of ruby2.5-rubygem-passenger --- /tmp/tmp.rsCqF7lKgY/tmp.eqj7DP0tfk 2019-01-23 04:23:38.861986057 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.rsCqF7lKgY/tmp.bLnQ2gqqIl 2019-01-23 04:23:38.993986915 +0000 @@ -5039,7 +5039,7 @@ /usr/bin/passenger-status.ruby2.5-6.0.1 1243a0e60f7ade9a8a90baf9202a866a61b916585c2ff01bb0344cc8b41104b0 0 /usr/bin/passenger.ruby2.5 0 /usr/bin/passenger.ruby2.5-6.0.1 af3e96f7171a507d6d810ab9ed464ae5900647c2cb4fef5fbbe0f34c00d2c4b8 0 -/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/cache/passenger-6.0.1.gem 25ada4188747786ec67ce50e1019daa636ceaf5e0220987bac99f2fc5ec905e3 0 +/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/cache/passenger-6.0.1.gem 9a524f4539a943285b33c80eb6d9107de935a051799be3f4aad8b2060713bee7 0 /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.5.0/passenger-6.0.1 0 /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.5.0/passenger-6.0.1/gem.build_complete e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 0 /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/passenger-6.0.1 0 comparing rpmtags comparing RELEASE comparing PROVIDES comparing scripts comparing filelist comparing file checksum creating rename script RPM file checksum differs. Extracting packages Package content is identical RPMS.2017/rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm RPMS/rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm differ: byte 225, line 1 Comparing rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm to rubygem-passenger-6.0.1-0.0.x86_64.rpm comparing the rpm tags of rubygem-passenger --- /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.ZbsfOU2UWr 2019-01-23 04:23:40.801998657 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.YO5PDtfKjs 2019-01-23 04:23:40.809998708 +0000 @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/resources/update_check_server_pubkey.pem 4c2fcccd8cf5615a39902b12df3ac64ee6100706ba205af5a109ca506dfc10e3 0 /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/src 0 /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries 0 -/usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries/PassengerAgent 121dc3a9c4c78051306446f39fcd02b94dc55a9f836ed7ce6d3392cbcdfe4d8c 0 +/usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries/PassengerAgent 7f5cf7a532636969126b4ca0f5c1dd1512cec2e728d3ca7dc78b1e9253be22f4 0 ___QF_CHECKSUM___ comparing rpmtags comparing RELEASE comparing PROVIDES comparing scripts comparing filelist comparing file checksum creating rename script RPM file checksum differs. Extracting packages /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries/PassengerAgent differs in assembler output --- /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.6IiJeOIc8y 2019-01-23 04:24:02.538139808 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.crw8BP6Tvh 2019-01-23 04:24:03.534146277 +0000 @@ -850391,730 +850391,6 @@ retq nop -_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category4nameEv: - push %rbp - mov %rsp,%rbp - mov %rdi,-offset(%rbp) - lea offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZStL6ignore + ofs> - pop %rbp - retq - nop - -_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei: - push %rbp - mov %rsp,%rbp - push %r12 - push %rbx - add $something,%rsp - mov %rdi,-offset(%rbp) - mov %rsi,-offset(%rbp) - mov %edx,-offset(%rbp) - movzbl offset(%rip),%eax # <_ZGVZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - test %al,%al - sete %al - test %al,%al - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - lea offset(%rip),%rdi # <_ZGVZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - callq <__cxa_guard_acquire@plt> - test %eax,%eax - setne %al - test %al,%al - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - mov $something,%ebx - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcEC1Ev@plt> - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdx - lea offset(%rip),%rsi # <_ZStL6ignore + ofs> - lea offset(%rip),%rdi # <_ZZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - callq <_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_@plt> - lea offset(%rip),%rdi # <_ZGVZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - callq <__cxa_guard_release@plt> - lea offset(%rip),%rdx # <__dso_handle> - lea offset(%rip),%rsi # <_ZZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - mov offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev@GLIBCXX_3.4.21> - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <__cxa_atexit@plt> - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcED1Ev@plt> - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,-offset(%rbp) - movq $something,-offset(%rbp) - mov -offset(%rbp),%rdx - mov -offset(%rbp),%rcx - mov -offset(%rbp),%eax - mov %rcx,%rsi - mov %eax,%edi - callq - mov %rax,-offset(%rbp) - mov $something,%ebx - cmpq $something,-offset(%rbp) - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcEC1Ev@plt> - mov $something,%ebx - lea -offset(%rbp),%rdx - mov -offset(%rbp),%rcx - mov -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rcx,%rsi - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_@plt> - jmp <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - mov -offset(%rbp),%rax - lea offset(%rip),%rsi # <_ZZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1ERKS4_@plt> - test %bl,%bl - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcED1Ev@plt> - jmp <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - mov %rax,%r12 - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcED1Ev@plt> - test %bl,%bl - jne <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - lea offset(%rip),%rdi # <_ZGVZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - callq <__cxa_guard_abort@plt> - mov %r12,%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_Unwind_Resume@plt> - mov %rax,%r12 - test %bl,%bl - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - lea -offset(%rbp),%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcED1Ev@plt> - mov %r12,%rax - mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_Unwind_Resume@plt> - mov -offset(%rbp),%rax - sub $something,%rsp - pop %rbx - pop %r12 - pop %rbp - retq - -_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category4nameEv: - push %rbp - mov %rsp,%rbp - mov %rdi,-offset(%rbp) - lea offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZStL6ignore + ofs> - pop %rbp - retq - nop - -_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi: - push %rbp - mov %rsp,%rbp - push %rbx - sub $something,%rsp - mov %rdi,-offset(%rbp) - mov %esi,-offset(%rbp) - cmpl $something,-offset(%rbp) - ja <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov -offset(%rbp),%eax - lea offset(,%rax,4),%rdx - lea offset(%rip),%rax # <_ZStL6ignore + ofs> - mov (%rdx,%rax,1),%eax - cltq - lea offset(%rip),%rdx # <_ZStL6ignore + ofs> - add %rdx,%rax - jmpq *%rax - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx - jmpq <_ZNK5boost6system6detail21system_error_category23default_error_conditionEi + ofs> - mov $something,%edi - callq <_ZN5boost6system4errc20make_error_conditionENS1_6errc_tE> - mov %rdx,%rcx - mov %rcx,%rdx /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries/PassengerAgent differs in ELF section .dynsym --- /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.6IiJeOIc8y 2019-01-23 04:24:04.514152640 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.crw8BP6Tvh 2019-01-23 04:24:04.538152796 +0000 @@ -925,8 +925,8 @@ 1b188 6e162700 00000000 18000000 00000000 n.'............. 1b198 6ba90600 22000f00 01a73100 00000000 k...".....1..... 1b1a8 9c000000 00000000 8ef90800 22000f00 ............"... - 1b1b8 81304400 00000000 49000000 00000000 .0D.....I....... - 1b1c8 4d1c0200 22000f00 b2a24200 00000000 M...".....B..... + 1b1b8 05264400 00000000 49000000 00000000 .&D.....I....... + 1b1c8 4d1c0200 22000f00 36984200 00000000 M..."...6.B..... 1b1d8 2e000000 00000000 a8440400 22000f00 .........D.."... 1b1e8 aee13200 00000000 26000000 00000000 ..2.....&....... 1b1f8 5fcc0000 22000f00 8cdd3200 00000000 _...".....2..... @@ -938,27 +938,27 @@ 1b258 9f120500 22000f00 06f41200 00000000 ...."........... 1b268 1b000000 00000000 52790100 22000f00 ........Ry.."... 1b278 ccf32c00 00000000 0e000000 00000000 ..,............. - 1b288 24310400 22000f00 405e4000 00000000 $1.."...@^@..... + 1b288 24310400 22000f00 06594000 00000000 $1.."....Y@..... 1b298 0a000000 00000000 5c540000 22000f00 ........\T.."... - 1b2a8 8c464100 00000000 1b000000 00000000 .FA............. + 1b2a8 103c4100 00000000 1b000000 00000000 .g.."...$7?..... @@ -1126,14 +1126,14 @@ 1be18 c86d3300 00000000 28000000 00000000 .m3.....(....... 1be28 38770900 22000f00 e4683200 00000000 8w.."....h2..... 1be38 0e000000 00000000 e83e0500 12000f00 .........>...... - 1be48 92814500 00000000 ad070000 00000000 ..E............. + 1be48 8f814500 00000000 ad070000 00000000 ..E............. 1be58 cc4b0000 22000f00 ce532800 00000000 .K.."....S(..... 1be68 16000000 00000000 9dd80600 22000f00 ............"... 1be78 825b3100 00000000 0b000000 00000000 .[1............. 1be88 f2290800 22000f00 d8853300 00000000 .)..".....3..... 1be98 0f000000 00000000 dcfa0100 12000f00 ................ - 1bea8 48a14600 00000000 ad000000 00000000 H.F............. - 1beb8 9b8d0300 22000f00 187e4300 00000000 ...."....~C..... + 1bea8 45a14600 00000000 ad000000 00000000 E.F............. + 1beb8 9b8d0300 22000f00 9c734300 00000000 ...."....sC..... 1bec8 0e000000 00000000 30ee0500 22000f00 ........0..."... 1bed8 f0462a00 00000000 09000000 00000000 .F*............. 1bee8 78880800 22000f00 29803c00 00000000 x..."...).<..... @@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ 1c058 c0156100 00000000 28000000 00000000 ..a.....(....... 1c068 15e20500 22000f00 44a92f00 00000000 ...."...D./..... 1c078 12000000 00000000 e91e0600 12000f00 ................ - 1c088 cce44500 00000000 06010000 00000000 ..E............. + 1c088 c9e44500 00000000 06010000 00000000 ..E............. 1c098 c0860000 22000f00 90823300 00000000 ....".....3..... 1c0a8 1e000000 00000000 f5f50000 22000f00 ............"... 1c0b8 4ff23200 00000000 0e000000 00000000 O.2............. @@ -1172,10 +1172,10 @@ 1c0f8 77da0200 22000f00 b1583300 00000000 w..."....X3..... 1c108 1a000000 00000000 dba40300 22000f00 ............"... 1c118 b26a3300 00000000 23000000 00000000 .j3.....#....... - 1c128 49ac0500 22000f00 e4b44100 00000000 I...".....A..... + 1c128 49ac0500 22000f00 68aa4100 00000000 I..."...h.A..... 1c138 1b000000 00000000 37b70400 22000f00 ........7..."... 1c148 ca791200 00000000 1d000000 00000000 .y.............. - 1c158 65cb0400 12000f00 760e4700 00000000 e.......v.G..... + 1c158 65cb0400 12000f00 730e4700 00000000 e.......s.G..... 1c168 5e000000 00000000 aeba0600 22000f00 ^..........."... 1c178 442b2700 00000000 1b000000 00000000 D+'............. 1c188 2c8f0800 22000f00 f0e13200 00000000 ,...".....2..... @@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ 1c398 64fe0400 22000f00 959b3000 00000000 d...".....0..... 1c3a8 1a000000 00000000 f4d70000 22000f00 ............"... 1c3b8 8e263400 00000000 26000000 00000000 .&4.....&....... - 1c3c8 96070800 12000f00 a4aa4500 00000000 ..........E..... + 1c3c8 96070800 12000f00 a1aa4500 00000000 ..........E..... 1c3d8 1e000000 00000000 9ff30200 22000f00 ............"... 1c3e8 00901100 00000000 f2000000 00000000 ................ 1c3f8 2d630300 22000f00 e07b2e00 00000000 -c.."....{...... @@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ 1c478 90f82600 00000000 39000000 00000000 ..&.....9....... 1c488 4c7b0100 22000f00 00ac2100 00000000 L{..".....!..... 1c498 e4000000 00000000 f9340500 21001100 .........4..!... - 1c4a8 00374e00 00000000 35000000 00000000 .7N.....5....... + 1c4a8 80344e00 00000000 35000000 00000000 .4N.....5....... 1c4b8 dd5d0500 22000f00 145a2a00 00000000 .].."....Z*..... 1c4c8 0f000000 00000000 9bf80800 22000f00 ............"... 1c4d8 32f03300 00000000 36000000 00000000 2.3.....6....... @@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ 1c548 d0b20900 21001900 58086100 00000000 ....!...X.a..... 1c558 18000000 00000000 a2940200 22000f00 ............"... 1c568 e0302c00 00000000 0e000000 00000000 .0,............. - 1c578 a9ca0800 22000f00 de284000 00000000 ...."....(@..... + 1c578 a9ca0800 22000f00 a4234000 00000000 ...."....#@..... 1c588 39000000 00000000 10200300 22000f00 9........ .."... 1c598 f2722b00 00000000 e6000000 00000000 .r+............. 1c5a8 df930800 22000f00 c29b3300 00000000 ....".....3..... @@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ 1c6b8 54563200 00000000 31000000 00000000 TV2.....1....... 1c6c8 c9de0500 22000f00 9af42e00 00000000 ...."........... 1c6d8 1d000000 00000000 08f80600 22000f00 ............"... - 1c6e8 0ed44300 00000000 25000000 00000000 ..C.....%....... + 1c6e8 92c94300 00000000 25000000 00000000 ..C.....%....... 1c6f8 0d750700 22000f00 8ee01d00 00000000 .u.."........... 1c708 35000000 00000000 bcd50800 22000f00 5..........."... 1c718 34a11200 00000000 23000000 00000000 4.......#....... @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ 1c808 803a3100 00000000 40000000 00000000 .:1.....@....... 1c818 8dc30400 22000f00 7e102700 00000000 ...."...~.'..... 1c828 72000000 00000000 68150800 21001900 r.......h...!... - 1c838 68386100 00000000 10000000 00000000 h8a............. + 1c838 38386100 00000000 10000000 00000000 88a............. 1c848 c77a0200 22000f00 4e8a3200 00000000 .z.."...N.2..... 1c858 26000000 00000000 b05c0800 22000f00 &........\.."... 1c868 2c423300 00000000 5c000000 00000000 ,B3.....\....... @@ -1297,11 +1297,11 @@ 1c8c8 c2702900 00000000 a5000000 00000000 .p)............. /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries/PassengerAgent differs in ELF section .rela.dyn --- /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.6IiJeOIc8y 2019-01-23 04:24:04.738154094 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.crw8BP6Tvh 2019-01-23 04:24:04.758154225 +0000 @@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ e43a8 3c493f00 00000000 c8946000 00000000 - 5df318 004c0500 00ffff01 081c0537 00321800 .L.........7.2.. - 5df328 00ffff01 10870102 aa0100a6 01020000 ................ - 5df338 d8010500 00ffff01 00ffff01 00ffff01 ................ - 5df348 107c05c7 01008901 05c20100 bd013200 .|............2. - 5df358 00ffff01 0c280500 0044054e 00620500 .....(...D.N.b.. - 5df368 00ffff01 00ffff01 00ffff01 0c1e0500 ................ - 5df378 00471960 00730500 00ffff01 083b0547 .G.`.s.......;.G - 5df388 00550500 00ffff01 103b05b1 0100a801 .U.......;...... - 5df398 02ac0100 cb011500 00ffff01 0827055c .............'.\ - 5df3a8 00571800 00ffff01 082e0564 005f1800 .W.........d._.. - 5df3b8 00ffff01 103b05b1 0100a801 02ac0100 .....;.......... - 5df3c8 cb011500 00ffff01 0827055c 00571800 .........'.\.W.. - 5df3d8 00ffff01 082e0564 005f1800 00ffff01 .......d._...... - 5df3e8 103905a9 0100a001 02a40100 bc011500 .9.............. - 5df3f8 00ffff01 0827055c 00571800 00ffff01 .....'.\.W...... - 5df408 082e0564 005f1800 00ffff01 225a02bd ...d._......"Z.. - 5df418 06009301 02d10600 820402cc 0600b804 ................ - 5df428 02c70600 ff0502c2 06009907 050000ff ................ - 5df438 ff0111fe 0105ce03 00c90305 d30300f2 ................ - 5df448 03050000 ffff010a 3a4f8901 009c0105 ........:O...... - 5df458 0000ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ - 5df468 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ - 5df478 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ + 5df288 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ................ + 5df298 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ................ + 5df2a8 ffff0122 2503fa02 00810103 f502008e ..."%........... + 5df2b8 0203f002 00bf0202 eb0200d3 0202fc02 ................ + 5df2c8 00950305 0000ffff 0100ffff 01107002 ..............p. + 5df2d8 df0100d6 0102da01 009d0205 0000ffff ................ + 5df2e8 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 01272505 .............'%. + 5df2f8 00007e05 a4040092 019e019f 0400d802 ..~............. + 5df308 059d0400 e8020598 04009304 059d0400 ................ + 5df318 f8040500 00ffff01 0c0c0500 003b0547 .............;.G + 5df328 00550500 00ffff01 0c0c0500 0032053e .U...........2.> + 5df338 004c0500 00ffff01 081c0537 00321800 .L.........7.2.. + 5df348 00ffff01 10870102 aa0100a6 01020000 ................ + 5df358 d8010500 00ffff01 00ffff01 00ffff01 ................ + 5df368 107c05c7 01008901 05c20100 bd013200 .|............2. + 5df378 00ffff01 0c280500 0044054e 00620500 .....(...D.N.b.. + 5df388 00ffff01 00ffff01 00ffff01 0c1e0500 ................ + 5df398 00471960 00730500 00ffff01 083b0547 .G.`.s.......;.G + 5df3a8 00550500 00ffff01 103b05b1 0100a801 .U.......;...... + 5df3b8 02ac0100 cb011500 00ffff01 0827055c .............'.\ + 5df3c8 00571800 00ffff01 082e0564 005f1800 .W.........d._.. + 5df3d8 00ffff01 103b05b1 0100a801 02ac0100 .....;.......... + 5df3e8 cb011500 00ffff01 0827055c 00571800 .........'.\.W.. + 5df3f8 00ffff01 082e0564 005f1800 00ffff01 .......d._...... + 5df408 103905a9 0100a001 02a40100 bc011500 .9.............. + 5df418 00ffff01 0827055c 00571800 00ffff01 .....'.\.W...... + 5df428 082e0564 005f1800 00ffff01 225a02bd ...d._......"Z.. + 5df438 06009301 02d10600 820402cc 0600b804 ................ + 5df448 02c70600 ff0502c2 06009907 050000ff ................ + 5df458 ff0111fe 0105ce03 00c90305 d30300f2 ................ + 5df468 03050000 ffff010a 3a4f8901 009c0105 ........:O...... + 5df478 0000ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ 5df488 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ - 5df498 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 01000000 ................ - 5df4a8 ff9b2d01 23b10105 b30500dd 0205e704 ..-.#........... - 5df4b8 00cc0305 b80501c0 0402ec04 00a40505 ................ - 5df4c8 0000cd05 05d20500 01000000 00000000 ................ - 5df4d8 ffff0115 0e050000 8f0105b1 0100a801 ................ - 5df4e8 02ac0100 c7010500 00ffff01 14150500 ................ - 5df4f8 005202b5 01009401 05b00100 cd010500 .R.............. - 5df508 00ffff01 00ffff01 15130500 00940105 ................ - 5df518 b90100b0 0102b401 00d40105 0000ffff ................ - 5df528 01141a05 00006602 b8010099 0105b301 ......f......... - 5df538 00d00105 0000ffff 01000000 ff9b2d01 ..............-. - 5df548 23b10105 b30500dd 0205e704 00cc0305 #............... - 5df558 b80501c0 0402ec04 00a40505 0000cd05 ................ - 5df568 05d20500 01000000 00000000 ffff0115 ................ - 5df578 0e050000 8f0105b1 0100a801 02ac0100 ................ - 5df588 c7010500 00ffff01 14150500 005202b5 .............R.. - 5df598 01009401 05b00100 cd010500 00ffff01 ................ - 5df5a8 00ffff01 150e0500 00960105 b90100b0 ................ - 5df5b8 0102b401 00d10105 0000ffff 01141505 ................ - 5df5c8 00006802 bc01009b 0105b701 00d40105 ..h............. - 5df5d8 0000ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ - 5df5e8 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ - 5df5f8 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ + 5df498 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ + 5df4a8 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ + 5df4b8 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 01000000 ................ + 5df4c8 ff9b2d01 23b10105 b30500dd 0205e704 ..-.#........... + 5df4d8 00cc0305 b80501c0 0402ec04 00a40505 ................ + 5df4e8 0000cd05 05d20500 01000000 00000000 ................ + 5df4f8 ffff0115 0e050000 8f0105b1 0100a801 ................ + 5df508 02ac0100 c7010500 00ffff01 14150500 ................ + 5df518 005202b5 01009401 05b00100 cd010500 .R.............. + 5df528 00ffff01 00ffff01 15130500 00940105 ................ + 5df538 b90100b0 0102b401 00d40105 0000ffff ................ + 5df548 01141a05 00006602 b8010099 0105b301 ......f......... + 5df558 00d00105 0000ffff 01000000 ff9b2d01 ..............-. + 5df568 23b10105 b30500dd 0205e704 00cc0305 #............... + 5df578 b80501c0 0402ec04 00a40505 0000cd05 ................ + 5df588 05d20500 01000000 00000000 ffff0115 ................ + 5df598 0e050000 8f0105b1 0100a801 02ac0100 ................ + 5df5a8 c7010500 00ffff01 14150500 005202b5 .............R.. + 5df5b8 01009401 05b00100 cd010500 00ffff01 ................ + 5df5c8 00ffff01 150e0500 00960105 b90100b0 ................ + 5df5d8 0102b401 00d10105 0000ffff 01141505 ................ + 5df5e8 00006802 bc01009b 0105b701 00d40105 ..h............. + 5df5f8 0000ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ 5df608 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ 5df618 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff ................ - 5df628 0100ffff 0100ffff 0100ffff 01212105 .............!!. - 5df638 f70200a0 0105be02 00920205 fc0200b0 ................ - 5df648 02050000 b50202b9 0200e802 050000ff ................ - 5df658 ff010d41 05000074 05790092 01050000 ...A...t.y...... - 5df668 ffff0119 172a0000 7305c901 008d0105 .....*..s....... - 5df678 0000c401 05ce0100 e6010500 00ffff01 ................ - 5df688 1a4d0500 00840105 da01009e 01050000 .M.............. - 5df698 d50105df 0100f701 050000ff ff011a0e ................ - 5df6a8 05000056 05e90100 c50105ee 0100e001 ...V............ - 5df6b8 02e40100 90020500 00ffff01 1a150500 ................ - 5df6c8 005d05e6 01009701 02f00100 ca0105eb .].............. - 5df6d8 01008802 050000ff ff0100ff ff012123 ..............!# - 5df6e8 05f50200 a20105c0 02009402 05fa0200 ................ - 5df6f8 b2020500 00b70202 bb0200f0 02050000 ................ - 5df708 ffff0136 14050000 5305d103 005e1ac7 ...6....S....^.. - 5df718 03008301 8f010000 a50205c7 0300d102 ................ - 5df728 05d60300 f20205cc 03008e03 050000c2 ................ - 5df738 0305db03 00840433 0000ffff 011a0c05 .......3........ - 5df748 00005405 e90100c3 0105ee01 00e00102 ..T............. - 5df758 e4010089 02050000 ffff011a 13050000 ................ - 5df768 5b05e201 00950102 ec0100c8 0105e701 [............... - 5df778 00840205 0000ffff 0100ffff 01212105 .............!!. - 5df788 f70200a0 0105be02 00920205 fc0200b0 ................ - 5df798 02050000 b50202b9 0200e802 050000ff ................ - 5df7a8 ff010d33 05000066 056b0084 01050000 ...3...f.k...... - 5df7b8 ffff0119 4c050000 7f058802 00d00105 ....L........... - 5df7c8 00008302 058d0200 a8022000 00000000 .......... ..... - 5df7d8 ff9b6101 573a05af 0c007a05 af0c0087 ..a.W:....z..... - 5df7e8 0205cd0b 00910205 c70a00d2 0205c20a ................ - 5df7f8 00db0205 b70c00e2 0402d90b 019c0505 ................ - 5df808 d20b01f5 0605f209 00f70702 d40b00ac ................ - 5df818 0905f209 00ed0905 f70900bd 0a050000 ................ - 5df828 ec0b0589 0c00840c 058e0c00 01000000 ................ - 5df838 00000000 ff9b1d01 12900105 a002039a ................ - 5df848 01059502 03b50105 8a020301 00007d00 ..............}. - 5df858 80590300 ff9b1d01 117305dd 02008c01 .Y.......s...... - 5df868 5ae20200 c7028201 00000100 007d0000 Z............}.. - 5df878 60590300 ffff011a 0e050000 5605e901 `Y..........V... - 5df888 00c50105 ee0100e0 0102e401 00900205 ................ - 5df898 0000ffff 011a1505 00005d05 e6010097 ..........]..... - 5df8a8 0102f001 00ca0105 eb010088 02050000 ................ - 5df8b8 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ................ - 5df8c8 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0100 ffff0109 ................ - 5df8d8 70027400 85010500 00ffff01 0827055c p.t..........'.\ - 5df8e8 00571800 00ffff01 082e0564 005f1800 .W.........d._.. - 5df8f8 00ffff01 16e20105 8e020080 02050000 ................ - 5df908 85020289 0200be02 050000ff ff01333c ..............3< /usr/lib64/passenger/6.0.1/support-binaries/PassengerAgent differs in ELF section .init_array --- /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.6IiJeOIc8y 2019-01-23 04:24:06.198163575 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.UmhBtTKf06/tmp.crw8BP6Tvh 2019-01-23 04:24:06.202163602 +0000 @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ 6094a0 ce611900 00000000 8e9f2100 00000000 .a........!..... 6094b0 2ed93800 00000000 5e813e00 00000000 ..8.....^.>..... 6094c0 3c493f00 00000000 71d53f00 00000000 EN..... - 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mov %rsi,-offset(%rbp) - mov %edx,-offset(%rbp) mov %fs:0x28,%rax mov %rax,-offset(%rbp) xor %eax,%eax - movzbl offset(%rip),%eax # <_ZGVZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> + mov -offset(%rbp),%rax + lea offset(%rax),%rdx + lea -offset(%rbp),%rax + mov %rdx,%rsi + mov %rax,%rdi + callq <_ZN5boost23enable_shared_from_thisINS_6detail16thread_data_baseEE16shared_from_thisEv> + lea -offset(%rbp),%rax + mov %rax,%rdi + callq <_ZNK5boost10shared_ptrINS_6detail16thread_data_baseEEcvbEv> test %al,%al - sete %al + je + lea -offset(%rbp),%rax + mov %rax,%rdi + callq <_ZNK5boost10shared_ptrINS_6detail16thread_data_baseEEptEv> + add $something,%rax + mov %rax,%rdi + callq <_ZNKSt3mapIPKvN5boost6detail13tss_data_nodeESt4lessIS1_ESaISt4pairIKS1_S4_EEE5emptyEv> + xor $something,%eax test %al,%al - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - lea offset(%rip),%rdi # <_ZGVZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11EiE11unknown_err> - callq <__cxa_guard_acquire@plt> - test %eax,%eax + jne + lea -offset(%rbp),%rax + mov %rax,%rdi + callq <_ZNK5boost10shared_ptrINS_6detail16thread_data_baseEEptEv> + mov offset(%rax),%rax + test %rax,%rax + je + mov $something,%eax + jmp + mov $something,%eax + test %al,%al + je + lea -offset(%rbp),%rax + mov %rax,%rdi + callq <_ZNK5boost10shared_ptrINS_6detail16thread_data_baseEEptEv> + mov offset(%rax),%rax + test %rax,%rax setne %al test %al,%al - je <_ZNK5boost6system6detail22generic_error_category7messageB5cxx11Ei + ofs> - mov $something,%ebx + je lea -offset(%rbp),%rax mov %rax,%rdi - callq <_ZNSaIcEC1Ev@plt> + callq <_ZNK5boost10shared_ptrINS_6detail16thread_data_baseEEptEv> + mov offset(%rax),%rax + mov %rax,-offset(%rbp) lea -offset(%rbp),%rax /usr/lib64/apache2/mod_passenger.so differs in ELF section .dynsym --- /tmp/tmp.3PPVR7JZvf/tmp.PfpkKGiZx6 2019-01-23 04:24:13.022207889 +0000 +++ /tmp/tmp.3PPVR7JZvf/tmp.oiRv2JtcES 2019-01-23 04:24:13.030207940 +0000 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ 07470 0b570000 12000000 00000000 00000000 .W.............. 07480 00000000 00000000 1a510000 12000000 .........Q...... 07490 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 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075d0 00000000 00000000 e1250100 12000000 .........%...... + 075c0 8c2a0100 12000000 00000000 00000000 .*.............. + 075d0 00000000 00000000 7d250100 12000000 ........}%...... 075e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 075f0 70690000 12000000 00000000 00000000 pi.............. 07600 00000000 00000000 b6e10000 11000000 ................ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 07680 001c0100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07690 00000000 00000000 ea690000 12000000 .........i...... 076a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 076b0 d0450100 12000000 00000000 00000000 .E.............. + 076b0 6c450100 12000000 00000000 00000000 lE.............. 076c0 00000000 00000000 e2da0000 12000000 ................ 076d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 076e0 186a0000 12000000 00000000 00000000 .j.............. @@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ 07710 13690000 10000000 00000000 00000000 .i.............. 07720 00000000 00000000 62110100 12000000 ........b....... 07730 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07740 8e510200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .Q.............. - 07750 00000000 00000000 2d630100 12000000 ........-c...... + 07740 7b500200 12000000 00000000 00000000 {P.............. + 07750 00000000 00000000 c9620100 12000000 .........b...... 07760 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07770 6fe40000 12000000 00000000 00000000 o............... - 07780 00000000 00000000 8f500200 12000000 .........P...... + 07780 00000000 00000000 86520200 12000000 .........R...... 07790 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 077a0 e8500200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .P.............. + 077a0 3b520200 12000000 00000000 00000000 ;R.............. 077b0 00000000 00000000 ca6c0000 12000000 .........l...... 077c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 077d0 73650000 12000000 00000000 00000000 se.............. - 077e0 00000000 00000000 8b1c0100 12000000 ................ + 077e0 00000000 00000000 15500200 12000000 .........P...... 077f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07800 6e6a0000 12000000 00000000 00000000 nj.............. 07810 00000000 00000000 ac110100 12000000 ................ @@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ 07890 0f1b0000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 078a0 00000000 00000000 8a760000 12000000 .........v...... 078b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 078c0 d74e0200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .N.............. + 078c0 734e0200 12000000 00000000 00000000 sN.............. 078d0 00000000 00000000 a2ea0000 12000000 ................ 078e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 078f0 fa500200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .P.............. + 078f0 4d520200 12000000 00000000 00000000 MR.............. 07900 00000000 00000000 55760000 12000000 ........Uv...... 07910 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07920 44220100 12000000 00000000 00000000 D".............. + 07920 e0210100 12000000 00000000 00000000 .!.............. 07930 00000000 00000000 c2180100 12000000 ................ 07940 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07950 acd80000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ @@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ 07990 00000000 00000000 9f1a0100 11000000 ................ 079a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 079b0 d3680000 12000000 00000000 00000000 .h.............. - 079c0 00000000 00000000 cd500200 12000000 .........P...... + 079c0 00000000 00000000 20520200 12000000 ........ 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12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ + 07ad0 858e0100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07ae0 00000000 00000000 44640000 12000000 ........Dd...... 07af0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07b00 d1750000 12000000 00000000 00000000 .u.............. - 07b10 00000000 00000000 3fdc0100 12000000 ........?....... + 07b10 00000000 00000000 dbdb0100 12000000 ................ 07b20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07b30 575b0000 10000000 00000000 00000000 W[.............. 07b40 00000000 00000000 da060000 12000000 ................ 07b50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07b60 9b060000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07b70 00000000 00000000 18600100 12000000 .........`...... + 07b70 00000000 00000000 b45f0100 12000000 ........._...... 07b80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07b90 eefc0000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07ba0 00000000 00000000 4c000000 22000000 ........L..."... @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ 07bc0 810d0000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07bd0 00000000 00000000 dc0c0000 12000000 ................ 07be0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07bf0 42630100 12000000 00000000 00000000 Bc.............. + 07bf0 de620100 12000000 00000000 00000000 .b.............. 07c00 00000000 00000000 ef550000 12000000 .........U...... 07c10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07c20 826a0000 10000000 00000000 00000000 .j.............. @@ -147,16 +147,16 @@ 07cc0 00000000 00000000 0c110100 12000000 ................ 07cd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07ce0 84140100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07cf0 00000000 00000000 98510200 12000000 .........Q...... + 07cf0 00000000 00000000 85500200 12000000 .........P...... 07d00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07d10 0a0b0000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07d20 00000000 00000000 4b210100 12000000 ........K!...... + 07d20 00000000 00000000 e7200100 12000000 ......... ...... 07d30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07d40 1e120100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07d50 00000000 00000000 3a040000 12000000 ........:....... 07d60 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07d70 870c0100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07d80 00000000 00000000 bf500200 12000000 .........P...... + 07d80 00000000 00000000 12520200 12000000 .........R...... 07d90 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07da0 b56a0000 10000000 00000000 00000000 .j.............. 07db0 00000000 00000000 20690000 12000000 ........ i...... @@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ 07e00 bff00000 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07e10 00000000 00000000 87370000 12000000 .........7...... 07e20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07e30 c6500200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .P.............. + 07e30 19520200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .R.............. 07e40 00000000 00000000 5ee70000 12000000 ........^....... 07e50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07e60 34640000 12000000 00000000 00000000 4d.............. 07e70 00000000 00000000 52080000 12000000 ........R....... 07e80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07e90 d9200100 12000000 00000000 00000000 . .............. + 07e90 75200100 12000000 00000000 00000000 u .............. 07ea0 00000000 00000000 a6110100 12000000 ................ 07eb0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07ec0 d46b0000 10000000 00000000 00000000 .k.............. @@ -182,31 +182,31 @@ 07ef0 9f680000 10000000 00000000 00000000 .h.............. 07f00 00000000 00000000 83120000 12000000 ................ 07f10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07f20 7f5f0100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ._.............. - 07f30 00000000 00000000 fa1c0100 11000000 ................ + 07f20 1b5f0100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ._.............. + 07f30 00000000 00000000 961c0100 11000000 ................ 07f40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07f50 67170000 12000000 00000000 00000000 g............... - 07f60 00000000 00000000 9a7e0100 12000000 .........~...... + 07f60 00000000 00000000 367e0100 12000000 ........6~...... 07f70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07f80 af150100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07f90 00000000 00000000 be000000 11000000 ................ 07fa0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 07fb0 cd190100 12000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07fc0 00000000 00000000 5f200100 12000000 ........_ ...... + 07fc0 00000000 00000000 fb1f0100 12000000 ................ 07fd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 07fe0 b2500200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .P.............. + 07fe0 05520200 12000000 00000000 00000000 .R.............. 07ff0 00000000 00000000 ece70000 12000000 ................ 08000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 08010 a0630100 12000000 00000000 00000000 .c.............. + 08010 3c630100 12000000 00000000 00000000 |...w.. - 14f3f0 3d7af9ff f67bf9ff e17bf9ff d878f9ff =z...{...{...x.. - 14f400 787bf9ff 9d77f9ff cc7bf9ff 7377f9ff x{...w...{..sw.. - 14f410 0279f9ff d479f9ff 7c7af9ff bb7af9ff .y...y..|z...z.. - 14f420 ae78f9ff 627cf9ff 137af9ff 0678f9ff .x..b|...z...x.. - 14f430 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff b|..b|..b|..b|.. - 14f440 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff b|..b|..b|..b|.. - 14f450 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff b|..b|..b|..b|.. - 14f460 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff b|..b|..b|..b|.. - 14f470 677af9ff 8079f9ff 1a7cf9ff 527af9ff gz...y...|..Rz.. - 14f480 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff e979f9ff b|..b|..b|...y.. - 14f490 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 8d7bf9ff b|..b|..b|...{.. - 14f4a0 627cf9ff 627cf9ff e076f9ff 397bf9ff b|..b|...v..9{.. - 14f4b0 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff b|..b|..b|..b|.. - 14f4c0 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff b|..b|..b|..b|.. - 14f4d0 1b78f9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 627cf9ff 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................ - 14f5e0 4e35626f 6f737436 73797374 656d3664 N5boost6system6d - 14f5f0 65746169 6c323267 656e6572 69635f65 etail22generic_e - 14f600 72726f72 5f636174 65676f72 79450000 rror_categoryE.. - 14f610 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 14f620 4e35626f 6f737436 73797374 656d3134 N5boost6system14 - 14f630 6572726f 725f6361 7465676f 72794500 error_categoryE. - 14f640 0000003a 20000000 00000000 02000000 ...: ........... - 14f650 7472313a 3a626164 5f776561 6b5f7074 tr1::bad_weak_pt - 14f660 72000000 00000000 626f6f73 743a3a20 r.......boost:: - 14f670 6d757465 7820636f 6e737472 7563746f mutex constructo - 14f680 72206661 696c6564 20696e20 70746872 r failed in pthr - 14f690 6561645f 6d757465 785f696e 69740000 ead_mutex_init.. - 14f6a0 626f6f73 743a206d 75746578 206c6f63 boost: mutex loc - 14f6b0 6b206661 696c6564 20696e20 70746872 k failed in pthr - 14f6c0 6561645f 6d757465 785f6c6f 636b0000 ead_mutex_lock.. - 14f6d0 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition - 14f6e0 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a63 6f6e6469 _variable::condi - 14f6f0 74696f6e 5f766172 6961626c 65282920 tion_variable() - 14f700 636f6e73 74727563 746f7220 6661696c constructor fail - 14f710 65642069 6e207074 68726561 645f6d75 ed in pthread_mu - 14f720 7465785f 696e6974 00000000 00000000 tex_init........ - 14f730 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition - 14f740 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a63 6f6e6469 _variable::condi - 14f750 74696f6e 5f766172 6961626c 65282920 tion_variable() - 14f760 636f6e73 74727563 746f7220 6661696c constructor fail - 14f770 65642069 6e207074 68726561 643a3a63 ed in pthread::c - 14f780 6f6e645f 696e6974 00000000 00000000 ond_init........ - 14f790 00000000 10000000 20000000 00000000 ........ ....... - 14f7a0 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition - 14f7b0 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a77 61697420 _variable::wait - 14f7c0 6661696c 65642069 6e207074 68726561 failed in pthrea - 14f7d0 645f636f 6e645f77 61697400 00000000 d_cond_wait..... - 14f7e0 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition - 14f7f0 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a64 6f5f7761 _variable::do_wa - 14f800 69745f75 6e74696c 20666169 6c656420 it_until failed - 14f810 696e2070 74687265 61645f63 6f6e645f in pthread_cond_ - 14f820 74696d65 64776169 74000000 00000000 timedwait....... - 14f830 01000000 02000000 04000000 06000000 ................ - 14f840 0e000000 00000000 01000000 02000000 ................ - 14f850 03000000 63616c6c 20746f20 656d7074 ....call to empt - 14f860 7920626f 6f73743a 3a66756e 6374696f y boost::functio - 14f870 6e000000 00000000 62616420 6c657869 n.......bad lexi - 14f880 63616c20 63617374 3a20736f 75726365 cal cast: source - 14f890 20747970 65207661 6c756520 636f756c type value coul - 14f8a0 64206e6f 74206265 20696e74 65727072 d not be interpr - 14f8b0 65746564 20617320 74617267 65740000 eted as target.. - 14f8c0 00010000 00000000 02000000 00000000 ................ - 14f8d0 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ - 14f8e0 00010000 00000000 00000000 2f70726f ............/pro - 14f8f0 632f6370 75696e66 6f007068 79736963 c/cpuinfo.physic - 14f900 616c2069 6400636f 72652069 64003a00 al id.core id.:. - 14f910 7372632f 6378785f 73757070 6f72746c src/cxx_supportl - 14f920 69622f76 656e646f 722d6d6f 64696669 ib/vendor-modifi - 14f930 65642f62 6f6f7374 2f657863 65707469 ed/boost/excepti - 14f940 6f6e2f64 65746169 6c2f6578 63657074 on/detail/except - 14f950 696f6e5f 7074722e 68707000 00000000 ion_ptr.hpp..... - 14f960 626f6f73 7420756e 69717565 5f6c6f63 boost unique_loc - 14f970 6b206861 73206e6f 206d7574 65780000 k has no mutex.. - 14f980 626f6f73 7420756e 69717565 5f6c6f63 boost unique_loc - 14f990 6b20646f 65736e27 74206f77 6e207468 k doesn't own th - 14f9a0 65206d75 74657800 626f6f73 7420756e e mutex.boost un - 14f9b0 69717565 5f6c6f63 6b206f77 6e732061 ique_lock owns a - 14f9c0 6c726561 64792074 6865206d 75746578 lready the mutex - 14f9d0 00766563 746f723a 3a5f4d5f 7265616c .vector::_M_real - 14f9e0 6c6f635f 696e7365 72740000 00000000 loc_insert...... - 14f9f0 62617369 635f7374 72696e67 3a3a5f4d basic_string::_M - 14fa00 5f636f6e 73747275 6374206e 756c6c20 _construct null - 14fa10 6e6f7420 76616c69 64000000 00000000 not valid....... - 14fa20 626f6f73 743a3a65 78636570 74696f6e boost::exception - 14fa30 5f707472 20626f6f 73743a3a 65786365 _ptr boost::exce - 14fa40 7074696f 6e5f6465 7461696c 3a3a6765 ption_detail::ge - 14fa50 745f7374 61746963 5f657863 65707469 t_static_excepti - 14fa60 6f6e5f6f 626a6563 74282920 5b776974 on_object() [wit - 14fa70 68204578 63657074 696f6e20 3d20626f h Exception = bo - 14fa80 6f73743a 3a657863 65707469 6f6e5f64 ost::exception_d - 14fa90 65746169 6c3a3a62 61645f61 6c6c6f63 etail::bad_alloc - 14faa0 5f5d0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 _].............. + 14f360 0000003a 20000000 00000000 02000000 ...: ........... + 14f370 7472313a 3a626164 5f776561 6b5f7074 tr1::bad_weak_pt + 14f380 72000000 00000000 626f6f73 743a3a20 r.......boost:: + 14f390 6d757465 7820636f 6e737472 7563746f mutex constructo + 14f3a0 72206661 696c6564 20696e20 70746872 r failed in pthr + 14f3b0 6561645f 6d757465 785f696e 69740000 ead_mutex_init.. + 14f3c0 626f6f73 743a206d 75746578 206c6f63 boost: mutex loc + 14f3d0 6b206661 696c6564 20696e20 70746872 k failed in pthr + 14f3e0 6561645f 6d757465 785f6c6f 636b0000 ead_mutex_lock.. + 14f3f0 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition + 14f400 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a63 6f6e6469 _variable::condi + 14f410 74696f6e 5f766172 6961626c 65282920 tion_variable() + 14f420 636f6e73 74727563 746f7220 6661696c constructor fail + 14f430 65642069 6e207074 68726561 645f6d75 ed in pthread_mu + 14f440 7465785f 696e6974 00000000 00000000 tex_init........ + 14f450 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition + 14f460 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a63 6f6e6469 _variable::condi + 14f470 74696f6e 5f766172 6961626c 65282920 tion_variable() + 14f480 636f6e73 74727563 746f7220 6661696c constructor fail + 14f490 65642069 6e207074 68726561 643a3a63 ed in pthread::c + 14f4a0 6f6e645f 696e6974 00000000 00000000 ond_init........ + 14f4b0 00000000 10000000 20000000 00000000 ........ ....... + 14f4c0 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition + 14f4d0 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a77 61697420 _variable::wait + 14f4e0 6661696c 65642069 6e207074 68726561 failed in pthrea + 14f4f0 645f636f 6e645f77 61697400 00000000 d_cond_wait..... + 14f500 626f6f73 743a3a63 6f6e6469 74696f6e boost::condition + 14f510 5f766172 6961626c 653a3a64 6f5f7761 _variable::do_wa + 14f520 69745f75 6e74696c 20666169 6c656420 it_until failed + 14f530 696e2070 74687265 61645f63 6f6e645f in pthread_cond_ + 14f540 74696d65 64776169 74000000 00000000 timedwait....... + 14f550 01000000 02000000 04000000 06000000 ................ + 14f560 0e000000 00000000 01000000 02000000 ................ + 14f570 03000000 63616c6c 20746f20 656d7074 ....call to empt + 14f580 7920626f 6f73743a 3a66756e 6374696f y boost::functio + 14f590 6e000000 00000000 62616420 6c657869 n.......bad lexi + 14f5a0 63616c20 63617374 3a20736f 75726365 cal cast: source + 14f5b0 20747970 65207661 6c756520 636f756c type value coul + 14f5c0 64206e6f 74206265 20696e74 65727072 d not be interpr + 14f5d0 65746564 20617320 74617267 65740000 eted as target.. + 14f5e0 00010000 00000000 02000000 00000000 ................ + 14f5f0 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ + 14f600 00010000 00000000 00000000 2f70726f ............/pro + 14f610 632f6370 75696e66 6f007068 79736963 c/cpuinfo.physic + 14f620 616c2069 6400636f 72652069 64003a00 al id.core id.:. + 14f630 7372632f 6378785f 73757070 6f72746c src/cxx_supportl + 14f640 69622f76 656e646f 722d6d6f 64696669 ib/vendor-modifi + 14f650 65642f62 6f6f7374 2f657863 65707469 ed/boost/excepti + 14f660 6f6e2f64 65746169 6c2f6578 63657074 on/detail/except + 14f670 696f6e5f 7074722e 68707000 00000000 ion_ptr.hpp..... + 14f680 626f6f73 7420756e 69717565 5f6c6f63 boost unique_loc + 14f690 6b206861 73206e6f 206d7574 65780000 k has no mutex.. + 14f6a0 626f6f73 7420756e 69717565 5f6c6f63 boost unique_loc + 14f6b0 6b20646f 65736e27 74206f77 6e207468 k doesn't own th + 14f6c0 65206d75 74657800 626f6f73 7420756e e mutex.boost un + 14f6d0 69717565 5f6c6f63 6b206f77 6e732061 ique_lock owns a + 14f6e0 6c726561 64792074 6865206d 75746578 lready the mutex + 14f6f0 00766563 746f723a 3a5f4d5f 7265616c .vector::_M_real + 14f700 6c6f635f 696e7365 72740000 00000000 loc_insert...... + 14f710 62617369 635f7374 72696e67 3a3a5f4d basic_string::_M + 14f720 5f636f6e 73747275 6374206e 756c6c20 _construct null + 14f730 6e6f7420 76616c69 64000000 00000000 not valid....... + 14f740 626f6f73 743a3a65 78636570 74696f6e boost::exception + 14f750 5f707472 20626f6f 73743a3a 65786365 _ptr boost::exce + 14f760 7074696f 6e5f6465 7461696c 3a3a6765 ption_detail::ge + 14f770 745f7374 61746963 5f657863 65707469 t_static_excepti + 14f780 6f6e5f6f 626a6563 74282920 5b776974 on_object() [wit + 14f790 68204578 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